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From Earth to Eritide: The Story Behind Splinter of Destiny

So, what’s the deal with Splinter of Destiny? 

Where did the idea come from?

Why did it take so long to write? 

Why does it have a “previously published” disclaimer?

Where did the idea come from?

When you come up with crazy fantasy stories, inevitably someone always asks how on earth did you come up with that? It’s really a combo of things. 

The first is music. Music is a powerful inspirational medium for me. My brain creates and plays movies in my head when I listen to a song. 

The second is feeling helpless. I remember the moment the seed of Splinter if Destiny took root. I won’t get into the messy details of interpersonal stuff, so let’s just say I was in the midst of a protracted struggle with a person close to me. I felt helpless and angry. And the first picture of Kate, my protagonist, appeared in my head, tears streaming and cheek against a tombstone. When I asked myself who this person was, why she was crying, and what was going to happen to her…the story began to grow.

Why did it take so long to write?

My life was thrust into chaos by tragedy and illness. I’m a pretty open person, so if you want to know more details just ask. But suffice to say, I had always struggled with depression, and those events plunged me deeper. Couple that with a bit of a white knight complex … I wanted to save everyone I cared about from their own struggles, or at least make whoever caused them pay Lol…I started dreaming up grand quests and epic fights, to slay the demons in my life. Life and self doubt pulled me away from Eritide many times. Yet, I always came back.

So, this story and many of the others I’ll be sharing with you soon are born of my love of the mystical and macabre combined with my need to hunt and protect.

Why does it have a “previously published” disclaimer?

I took some advice from a well-intentioned friend on “just getting it out there.” I pulled the publishing trigger way before I was ready, and soon took down the first version. That was in 2016. I’ve learned so much since then. I’m actually thankful it only sold twenty copies (if you happen to be one of those twenty, please reach out to me. I have something for you.) 

What was once From Earth to Eritide has become Splinter of Destiny and the entire series has assumed the name From Earth to Eritide. 

Now that the series is released in a way that does it justice, I sincerely hope you enjoy Kate’s snarky determination. There is definitely a big piece of me in her. 

You can pick up the pre-order of Splinter of Destiny with special pricing on the Amazon pre-order page here.

Please give me a follow on Goodreads and get in on the giveaway from June 23rd to July 22nd, 2023.

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