From Earth to Eritide: Book 1 100%

From Earth to Eritide Book 1

Splinter of Destiny

When your soul shatters, it’s a race to pick up the splinters—before something else does…

After her mother’s disappearance, Kate didn’t think life could get any worse. But as she stands before a mysterious girl in an alternate dimension known as Eritide, she realizes Destiny has screwed her over once more.

Moments ago, she was at the base of her mother’s newly dedicated monument, despairing from a broken heart. Now this protectress confirms that Kate is dying from a shattered soul and she must make a choice. Either she can return to Earth—and the death she’d wished for—or hunt down the splinters of her shattered soul and live. But as always, there’s a catch.

Kate must claim those splinters before the dreaded soul vultures do, or she’s destined to an eternity enslaved by evil.

It’s going to take more than a sharp tongue and uncanny martial arts skills to get her out of this one. With a guardian at her side and a prophecy in her way, Kate races through a world on the brink of war to save herself—no matter the cost.

Splinter of Destiny is the first installment in the Epic Fantasy series, From Earth to Eritide. As you quest through Eritide with Kate, you’ll experience her struggles as a reluctant hero, a world replete with magic and mythology, a pyromaniac villain you’ll love to hate, and…super horses. 

Delve into this fantasy adventure, with a martial arts kick, today.